Saturday, April 19, 2008

a stretch of time

has passed since we last met here. I have missed you, however, my brain has been adrift in the sea of BLANKNESS... I couldn't write something to save my life. So I'm just hitting the keys and seeing what comes out. This appears to be (in my eyes anyway) an act of desperation, and the camera pans out, out through the roof of the church office where Jon sits typing, above hundreds of trees in the surrounding community, up even higher till we see pineville and alexandria from a birds eye view thousands of feet up and then we hear the tiniest of voices cry out...."I'VE GOT IT!" and we are drawn (rather forcefully) back into jons head and staring back out of his eyes into the vacuous computer monitor and he begins to type.

So I started working out again recently. And I am feeling the bittersweet feeling of having muscles so sore that i can barely move them. I have also been text messaging two young ladies that appear to be having identical friend problems. I have been struck by a parallel that hit me rather forcefully, you see, when you were with my brain up in The Air Up There, I stretched and was greeted by a feeling like a dozen ball peen hammers sriking me in the immediate shoulder, chest and bicep area. It was a good feeling, but boy did it hurt! I have been thinking that these young ladies are going through some pretty common teenage young lady problems with their respective friend, and I was wondering why that particular time of our life is seemingly so difficult. Then I was remided of the scripture in James chapter 1. He reminds us in verse 2--

"2Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. 4Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything."

See, what he is saying here is that in all walks of our lives, we have to go through some crap. or junk, or stuff, (use whichever is the least offensive to you, they all mean the same thing) so that we can learn how to take all the crapjunkstuff that LIFE is going to throw at us ALL THE TIME! I remember when I was younger and I thought that life was SOO HARD...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! I had it made when I was a kid, I didn't have to worry about a thing!!!!

I don't think we fully realize that until we are pushing 30 and wondering how on earth I made that stupid mistake with the bank account. (AND, all of this with the possibility ((POSSIBILITY)) of a baby on the horizon! ((i put this in here because when you're married there is ALWAYS that POSSIBILITY- I am not trying to subtley tell you that me and jessica are expecting, because to the best of my knowledge WE ARE NOT))...) I think we are told by James to learn to buck up when a friend says something bad about ya, or maybe you got jipped a little on that super awesome thing that was supposed to happen with your buds, and you got blown off... guys life kinda sucks...but it has to sometimes so that you can get STRONGER! I SEE THE POINT! I SEE THE POINT. THANK GOD ALMIGHTY, I SEE THE POINT TO THIS BLOG!

See I opened up by telling you that I was in pain. But the thing is, the way our bodies are built, in order to get them better or stronger, sometimes IT HAS TO SUCK! Sometimes it has to hurt, it has to groan and stretch in uncomfortable ways. Just like we have to in order to become who God wants for us to be in His ultimate plan. There is not a single person in the bible who didn't go through some sort of MASSIVE trauma so that Gods will could be done in their lives. Does this make God a masochist? NO!!! Of course you will always have your "Overly persecuted" few that want to cry that we serve a cruel God or that He doesn't care about us because they had to go through something a bit harder than they are used to....guys it is NOT because we serve a cruel God (which we do NOT!) but it is because HE WANTS YOU TO BE BETTER!!! STRONGER!!!! MORE INCREDIBLE-ER.... you get the picture.

Take the scripture in this blog to heart... it will do you far more good to remember it on days that the sun just can't break through the clouds. (completely metaphorically speaking of course, i love my cloudy wise of course) I hope this has been of some encouragement to you. It has helped me IMMENSELY.
good day and God Bless.

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