Thursday, April 29, 2010

Nothing worth having ever comes easy.

And if it does, then you may not take care of it as much. (this is of course a generalization so if you have had a personal experience that differs with this particular adage, then awesome for you!)

Hey howdy hey everyone! How have your last couple of weeks been? Mine have been fantastic! Project: Revolution is doing great and we are getting ready to turn that room upside down! Redemption is starting off GREAT and the Lord has been doing a work there as well as in my personal life!

I started working out with Pastor Nathan and Daniel Hearne. Daniel is a transplant to our church from out of state who decided to move on back to his wife's hometown. He has been an excellent addition to the leadership there at the church. He is going through the required schooling to do so. He's been going and pushing us there. It's kind of an odd thing that got us into the gym. One night, not too long ago, Nathan began feeling some chest pains that were unexplainable and had been growing at a steady pace for a couple of weeks. This put him in the emergency room over night and had his attention turned to his lifestyle. He was made aware that night that he needed to seek healthier alternatives to the things he was eating, and the lack of physical activity, despite his constant activity! We decided to all start going to the gym together, and it has been great!

I ran my first 5k on Sunday afternoon. The feeling of accomplishment when I ran across the finish line was AWESOME! I have decided to undertake the undertaking that will be the undertaking of a triathalon. LOL. I know, right?! We'll see how this works out, but I am sure that it will feel DOUBLE better when I pass that finish line. My first 5k was a hurdle just due to the fact that I was unsure if I would even finish. I'm running this race to finish. Not win. So keep me in prayer and I will keep you updated with things as the occur!
Good night!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love you and I'm so proud of you. Thank u for marrying me!!! I'm a blessed woman! :)