Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Shadow Proves the Sunshine.

Yes, that is the second Switchfoot reference that I have made in one day. What? You wanna fight about it? LOL.  I am waiting for my phone to restore right now. It's taking its sweet time. Oh well. Thought I would offer an explanation as to why I have been gone for a little bit.

The truth of the matter is that I was cleaning the house. My little brother was bringing his wife and son down to visit us for a little bit and we were preparing the house for their visit! We were so excited to have them come down and had a wonderful time! They stayed from Wednesday to tuesday and left early that morning, introducing jessica and myself into a novel concept....leaving at the time you say you're leaving... hmm, gotta try that sometime.

I am growing more and more comfortable with the idea of staying on the dispatch desk at work. I feel a need inside to give myself completely back over to the youth group. I have started doing this and have already noticed some incredible benefits and blessings.

I chose the title here because a recurring theme has been taking its place in my life. That theme is best phrased by brother buddy (The founding pastor of Christian Challenge) who said it this way (mostly) "The great thing about being in a desert is that when you finally make it to that water, you appreciate it that much more." and this is becoming more and more true in my life. I had been in a spiritual and mental and emotional desert. Each one fed off of the other and really put me in a bad place and kept me there. We recently got a young man at the church by the name of Daniel who has brought a tangible excitement for ministry. I needed a shot in the arm and have steadily been receiving them from this guy and in the process have been reconnecting with brother Nathan as well. It has been MUCH needed and the Lord is preparing some great things there in all of us. He has birthed a new vision in me and I can't wait to see it to fruition....

I apologize for the EXTREME randomness and brevity or lack of detail in this blog, but I gotta get to sleep! Day Eight awaits us at 7 am at the Louisiana College Athletic Center. Daniel, Nathan, and myself have been hitting it pretty hard the past few days in order to capitalize on the feeling of renewal that is coursing through our veins at this time... God has been extremely good to me. Hopefully I can collect my thoughts a bit more tomorrow and not leave everything so fragmented. I appreciate your patience. Good night!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm thrilled about the changes that are happening and it's good to see you happier. I know that God will continue to pour out His blessings. All we needed was a little fire under our butts. :P