Thursday, July 21, 2011

Getting caught up.

It's been a bit crazy around here lately, we've had a visit by my little brother and his family! It takes some getting used to having a two year old running around! A little ball of energy and mischief, tearing around, needing to be looked after and what not, but I wouldn't have given it up for anything in the world!
It was FANTASTIC having Nathan, Jean and Eli come to us this year! Unfortunately it was during one of the worst heat waves we've seen around these parts in a while! We had a good time tho, celebrated the birthday of our great nation by watching colorful explosions and blew a little stuff up ourselves!
Next up we have a trip to Joplin Missouri planned for next week. A relief trip is our youth groups idea of a good time, and that is JUST FINE BY ME!!! I am so blessed by these young people!
Well, there isn't a whole lot to say right now, so I am gonna go on an get outta here. I'll not make any promises of blogging more.... but I'll try.
Your consolation prize, Jon.

1 comment:

Amy @ AGirlCalledBeloved said...

I want to hear more about your trip to Joplin and if it went well. ok?! sounds so awesome!