Friday, May 2, 2008

Interestingly enough...

So, the past couple of days have been interestingly tied together by things going on in my spirit and by Gods mighty hand. You see, yesterday I read in 1 Chronicles 11:10-19 about King Davids three greatest warriors. These are the men who, when they heard their king say that He wanted a drink of the sweet water from the well by the gate of Bethlehem, took action and fought through enemy lines to bring him some of that water. A stirring in many of us longs for this. To be at the Kings side when he speaks and to ride through certain death to fulfill that wish or command of his. I know I certainly want that, for the warrior sweat to drip from my brow, muscles tired and beaten, hands blistered from wielding sword, arm sore from holding shield, out of breath as I hand my King whatever He desires. This stirring pulls at all of us in a way, I think. It's just that this world has perverted it. They've tricked us into thinking that we will be happy if we satisfy all of our own desires instead of living for something far greater than yourself!

There In Lies The Rub! (as the bard would undoubtedly say) There is a cost to be payed for such a thing. This mornings reading came from Luke 9:57-62, which tells us about some that were following Jesus and His instruction to them, "LEAVE EVERYTHING AND FOLLOW ME" (jons Paraphrase) There is the amazing cost of being a warrior in the highest army. Everything this world tells us to do is for our immediate gratification. God tells us to live for more and that is done by living for less. Make sense? Think of it this way, of all the hosts of Israel there was a handful who had what it took to be called the greatest of Davids warriors. Of all the times we hear of someone asking to follow Jesus, only twelve can stick to it. It costs a great deal to be counted among the greatest, to have your name etched in stone for eternity to remember, it takes your life. Are you ready for that challenge? I think I am. I have pledged to fight along side Pastor Nathan..

I handed Pastor Nathan my sword and let him know I would fight next to him no matter what. Do I tell you this out of pride? NO! I tell you this out of fear! Fear that I will fail miserably, (which has happened in the past with this same ministry, But thank God for His healing and grace.) Fear that I don't have what it takes. I wonder if Davids Warriors ever stopped to think, as the swords clashed and rang around them that they were doing this all for a GLASS OF WATER! But then, every now and then, a young person will have an encounter with the Living God, and I am treated to giving my King a precious drink of water, and I realize that
of course they knew they were fighting for a glass of water...
The King was thirsty.

The King IS thirsty, do you and I have what it takes to get Him a glass of that sweet water? It's gonna take everything we have and then some more... The water is that way, just past the enemy lines... who's coming with me?


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