Monday, June 9, 2008

What a LAG!!

I am a horrible blogger. Absolutely. I mean I get all used to writing every couple of days and then every day, but then....I stop... Forever. lol, well I guess not forever...I am blogging now!
So a buttload of stuff has happened since I was on here last. Most recently I got into Flight of The Conchords....pretty much addicted to them. I had seen their live show on HBO or a rebroadcast on Comedy Central and laughed myself silly... but I just rediscovered them and ordered their first season on DVD cause I really am quite addicted. Folks, really, even tho I am gushing about them, watch at your own risk cause they have some parts that some of you elder guard may want to ease your kids outta the room on some parts. Anyway. Got to meet my sister in laws boyfriend. Pretty swell guy. not to bad at all. Way to go Maddie!

In the youth group I have been trying to make sure that they are reading the Word on their own at home... you gotta have that time in the word. And NO. You cannot change the name of your bed to THE WORD and tell me that you will be spending much more time in THE WORD.... lol.

Jessica and I are headed to Lubbock this weekend for Fathers Day. I wanted to spend some time with my Grandpa but he apparently will be on the way to South Texas. Now normally this wouldn't be a big deal, but He has had quite a few heart procedures done in the past couple of WEEKS and will be driving all the way BY HIMSELF.... sigh. I pray that nothing happens to him. He will be 95 this September. So...anyway. I will get to spend some time with my fam and hang out a bit.

Looking forward to it.

ummm not much else going on....?

if I forgot something Jess...let me know.

"Get your hand off of my tail, you'll make it dirty."

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