Thursday, June 24, 2010

Ode to Agent Orange.

You were a Neon. Not a great car, but definitely not the worst. You were perfect for me when we first met. I saw you and you had my heart. You were sitting there in all your Neon glory and splendor, the friends that I brought with me just KNEW you were the one for me. We have had our ups and our downs, but through it all, you forgot all of the times that I was rough on you, or the time that I made you blow a rod, or the time that I ran you into a fire hydrant. You forgot all of the times that I punched the steering wheel in frustration or heartbreak. All you remembered was that I took my solace in you. All you remembered was that You protected me when I collided with an immovable object. You took the damage and protected my big fat head. All you remembered was that you did everything in your power to get me from where I was to where I needed to go. You never gave up on me, even tho I didn't take the best care of you. And despite what others might have said or may still say, you made sure that I got to where I was going looking quite good! You didn't care that I got your interior all dirty by hauling everything from dirty stinky painters to a lawn mower around inside ya. When it all comes down to it, I know you are just a machine, but I remember making my first 12 hour drive to the woman who would be my wife. And I remember making it in air conditioned goodness. A smooth ride. You literally drove me to what was to be my destiny. You did it all without complaint, and I loved you. You were literally my first adult car and I had a great 8 years with you. You provided the perfect "office" for countless rides with young people just needing to talk. You were the best concert car EVER. And you bore it all with a smooth ride and a happy face. Thanks for it all Agent Orange. You will be missed. Every boy needs a great first car. While there were others before you, none really captured me the way you did.


and we thank you.


1 comment:

Amy @ AGirlCalledBeloved said...

I love this post. I understand that sometimes a car is like a friend. I've named my little clunker BonnieSue!