Saturday, July 3, 2010


I have recently fallen back in love with my favorite sub-genre in horror movies. The zombie movie. The zombie movie is in a class all it's own. It's absurdly frightening to some people just due to the fact that on the face of the genre, it is about a virus that is HIGHLY contagious. Beneath all the "undead" and "brain eating" it comes back to something that should frighten us all... Contagion can happen. Happens all the time! And for the most part, our governments are HIGHLY incapable of either containing or controlling outbreaks of any kind! Another reason that these movies are scary or that they hit home with a majority of viewers is that spot in the movie (and let's face it, it's really a go to scene for all zombie movies) where the hero looks over at a loved one and wonders if they are in fact infected. This is something that I as a man would hate to face. To look at my wife and wonder if she was sick, and was sick enough to get me and a whole lot of other people sick....could I pull the trigger? Would I have what it takes to ensure survival? Would I even want to survive without her? Cheesy B-Movies? Yes. Absolutely. But I think we would be foolish not to plan. For a Zombie Apocolypse? Maybe not, but for a viral outbreak? Absolutely. Just a thought! Gonna go polish my guns now!

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